Ad Tech Adhesives Vendor Review

Ad Tech Adhesives History

Adhesive Technologies began it's success in the hot melt industry over 25 years ago. All Ad Tech adhesive formulations start with their in-house research team and are thoroughly tested before released. Ad Tech understands that different applications need different adhesives and guns. They work hard to create the best hot melt products for customers' applications. They don't stop their testing after initial development they continuously test all their products and continue to make improvements to help them increase their performance.

What makes Ad Tech Products Great?

Ad Tech offers a variety of hot melt adhesives and hot melt guns for different situations. We love that they offer guns for every type of customer, from consumer to industrial and bulk guns. Their consumer guns are perfect for around-the-house applications and craft projects. Their industrial guns and bulk guns are great for packaging, product assembly, woodworking, etc. One more thing we really like is that Ad Tech is based right here in the United States, in New Hampshire. and Ad Tech

We have been working with Ad Tech for the over 15 years. We have not only developed a close relationship with Ad Tech, but also have extensive knowledge of Ad Tech Hot Melt Guns and Ad Tech Hot Melt Adhesive. We pride our selves on providing top-notch pricing and advice on Ad Tech's great line of products. We carry a wide range of Ad Tech products on our website, but if you need bulk quantities or a product that we don't have listed feel free to contact us.'s Favorite Products:

Questions about Ad Tech products? Contact us to discuss the perfect hot melt gun or adhesive for your application.

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