Happy Manufacturing Day

Happy Manufacturing Day! The first Friday in October marks the new, nationally recognized salute to all the craftsman, scientists, and artisans in the manufacturing industry. Just three years after President Obama issued the national proclamation earmarking this day for the modern manufacturing industry, more than 100,000 people turned out this year at factory tours, exposes, and mentoring opportunities to celebrate. To mark the occasion, we’re reflecting on how you can share in the fun with some our favorite industry partners such as Surebonder, Tec, and Steinel.


Manufacturing Day is more than a national holiday or a chance to use your favorite hot glue gun to hang party decorations around your office. Government organizations such as the Department of Commerce’s National Institute of Standards and Technology, and NGOs such as the Fabricators and Manufacturers Association (FMA), and National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) come together each year to solve for the skilled labor shortage, encourage upcoming talent to explore a career in manufacturing, and improve visibility and access for organizations within the industry.

At a time in our society when a college degree feels like an expectation rather than an elective, artisan industries such as manufacturing and fabrication are seeing a sharp decline in young talent entering the market. New workers often enter the manufacturing industry because their family or close friends were in the business and they have inherited an interest in manufacturing through those relationships. National Manufacturing Day aims to expose this career path earlier in students’ career path and to ignite young interest while sloughing off old social stigmas about the industry.

To engage this audience, many manufacturers host plant or production line tours, STEM workshops to encourage females to explore math and science, and participate in national conventions for their line of work.


In the past decade, so many advancements have propelled the adhesives industry forward, giving organizations such as Surebonder, TEC, and Steinel a permanent place in the manufacturing hall of fame. To celebrate Manufacturing Day with some of our favorite brands, we recommend the following: 

  • Subscribe to Tec’s Expert Advice newsletter. Before National Manufacturing Day, Tec offered up 5 Ways to Win Government Tile Installation Jobs. There’s no better way to celebrate than taking your career to the next level. Lean on Tec’s years of expertise and join their conversation about success in manufacturing.
  • Join the party! Steinel announced they will be attending the National Electrical Wire Processing Technology Expo this spring. Stop by their booth and take in this exclusive showcase featuring the latest technology in the industry. Consider your airline tickets a Manufacturing Day gift to yourself. And your team.
  • Share your favorite Surebonder manufacturing or craft moment on their Facebook or Twitter page. Surebonder’s social platforms are primarily used to interact with customers and happy clients, so spread the love and get the word out about this awesome brand. Have a unique use, industrial solution, or ah-ha moment using Surebonder? Celebrate with some social love.

Whether you officially observed the holiday or not, taking a moment to pause and reflect on advances in the manufacturing industry and the role our favorite tools have played in this evolution is something we’re excited to celebrate with you and hope you’ll share your stories with us. Drop us a line about how you celebrated or plan to mark the occasion.

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